Saturday, May 7, 2016

Range cards and practicle applications

What the hell is a range card? I know what those are, why would I need one of them on my hunts? How can I apply this to my home defense? These are but a few questions I get when I talk about range cards in my classes. From it we can use holds with confidence. We will not have to guess about where my target is in relation to what's around me.

I have a 50 meter bubble theory here. I believe that, more often than not, individuals are only concerned with what is directly in front of them. Everything outside this bubble is unknown, and everything inside is reacting. Instead, pick your gaze up to 300 meters.

Opening your field of view up to see everything around you. In a metaphorical way, its training yourself to identify potential problems or threats before they arise, and you are able to plan and adjust rather then reacting.

Whether you sitting in your tree stand, have a blind or are shooting on a tripod, range cards will play a pivotal role in your first round hit. Range cards are applied from the shooters position. With it we can sketch out our field of view. This allows us to range every road, creek, shack or whatever is in your field of view.

Once the shooter knows how far everything is, as soon as that big game comes into your field of view, you will know how far, what you need to hold and engage your target. All this within seconds because you know your surroundings.

Applying a range card to home defense is just as important. While the above still applies we also have the added benefit of using our hallways and rooms to our advantage. With this we can plan evacuation routs incase of an emergency. We can identify safe rooms for cover, and where we can make our last stand in our home more effective.

As a sniper and squad leader on multiple deployments, we always made sure the first thing we did was sketch out our target areas. Not only did it give us a sense of our surroundings, it gave us confidence in our ability to effectively engage our targets.

Our marksmanship programs are designed with practical application in mind. What does that mean? Shooting fundamentals expand much further than the range. The biggest applications are hunting, home defense, discipline, attention to detail and confidence.

Stay tuned to our blog for the rest of the series. Head on over to Facebook and Instagram and give us a like and follow. Message us today to find out when our next event is and how to schedule your training in the West Valley of Phoenix!

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